Registered library clients can borrow circulating information resources. The service is governed by Library Use Policy and Library procedure manual.
Borrowing Entitlements for Members
Membership Group Books Loan Period e-Access Off Campus IinterLibrary Loan Faculty/Dept Librarian Undergraduate 6 30 days Yes Articles Only Yes Graduates 8 60 days Yes Articles Only Yes Academic Staff 10 150 days Yes Yes Yes Support Staff 4 30 days Yes Yes No Temporary Staff (Support) 3 30 days Yes No No Visiting Scholars 10 60 days Yes Yes Yes Alumni 2 30 days No No No Institutional Members 4 30 days No Yes No External Members 2 30 days No No No Renewing loans
After the initial borrowing period, the books may be renewed twice unless; it is requested by another user or you have reached a maximum overdue limit.Returning Items
Borrowed items can be returned to any of the University libraries (Main campus or MITI) during operating hours.Faculty and instructors can reserve items to be availed for the students for short term loan.
Information for academic staff
Use the Course Reserve Form to place materials on reserve for your course. If you would like to place materials on Reserve other than the library items at any of our libraries; please fill out the Course Reserve Form, then deliver the item to the circulation desk. A maximum of two (2) copies per title is permissible to be put on reserve. The materials on reserve will be taken back to active circulation at the end of the semester. Information for studentsThe loan period for books on reserve is 2hours renewable once for 1hour. Overnight use of course reserves is permissible when picked up before library closing (15minutes before closure); you are required to return them 30 minutes after the library circulation desk opens. Renewal of materials on hold is not allowed. Late fines for reserve materials is P1.00 per hour. Recall
Items may be recalled for reserve; priority is given to academic staff. The borrower would be requested to return the book sooner than the original due date, a 7days notice would be given.Overdue materials will attract fines as follows
Ordinary loan P0.50 per book per day
Reserved materials P1.00 per hour
Lost or damaged library materials would be paid at the current replacement value of the book plus 25% handling charges. The library will not accept recovered materials that have already been paid for by the member. However, if it is in the interest of the library to have such materials; the member will be refunded for the material excluding handling charges. All library fines are paid at the university cash office and proof of payment should be presented to the library circulation desk. Appropriate action would be taken against defaulters.
Books may be renewed twice if there are no outstanding requests. Interlibrary loan
items are not renewable. You may renew in person, over the phone, or on the internet.
Inter Library Loan (ILL)
The service enables the library to borrow physical materials and obtain scans of articles or book chapters from other libraries and universities within the SABINET network. ILL is open to bonafide students of BUAN and staff. To request for materials not available in the library, complete this form (pdf)
Reference Services
Client Services staff are available for reference assistance from 0900 {u2013} 1600hrs excluding lunch time (1230 {u2013} 1400hrs). During evening and weekend shifts, staff at the circulation desk are available for assistance. Assistance on the use of the library and the different library products is offered through this service. Should you need virtual assistance; Chat to the Librarian or talk to your faculty or departmental librarians.
Current Awareness Service
Through this service, librarians assist users to find the latest information on their areas of expertise or interest. The library databases allow you to configure search or journal alerts. These alerts save valuable research time, and can be set up to provide automatic e-mail notification whenever new search results become available. You can consult your librarian for further assistance (Faculty & Departmental Librarian).
Information Literacy and Instructions
Librarians aim to integrate library instruction seamlessly into the course plans. Through collaboration with Faculty the library intents to create the best and most effective instruction sessions possible and runs as per the Training Schedule.
The sessions begin with library orientation for all new library users to familiarise them with the physical layout, available resources and how to use information retrieval tools. Upon completion of the first session, they are offered advanced training focusing on information literacy, library resources, research methods, and advanced tools. The sessions are available one to one or in groups.
Research Support
This is a service provided by the Faculty and Departmental Librarians with the aim of assisting library clientele with research and writing skills. Detailed information on the service is available through library guides.
Research Writing
This is a service provided by the Faculty and Departmental Librarians with the aim of assisting library clientele with research and writing skills. Detailed information on the service is available through library guides.
BUAN Research Series
The Series brings information professionals and researchers together with postgraduate (PG) students to explore topics related to research and academic success. The series aims to attract all PG students across disciplines and runs as per the Training Schedule.
The library has card operated photocopying machines for copying. Cards are purchased at the University Cash Office and obtained at the library circulation desk, proof of payment is a requisite. The cost of a card is P10.00 and minimum recharge amount id P5.00. An A4 copy costs P0.40 and A3 costs P0.80. Intellectual Property and Copyright legislation must be observed when photocopying.
Library Spaces
Coming soon{u2026}
ICT Resources
Internet & Wi-Fi
The library has unlimited Wireless hotspots throughout the Library, enabling laptop users to access the internet and the university network.
Computer workstations
The library has networked PC workstations for students and researchers to use for academic and research purposes and provide access to Library online resources, the internet, and a wide range software. Due to limited number of available computers in the library, users are requested to make bookings in order to use them.
AV materials
AV materials are available for short loans through the course facilitators. The library has a designated PC workstation for viewing of AV collection. For further inquiry on this service contact the library Customer Service staff.